
Sep 26, 20203 min

About me - Esther Heide

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Hi there - Esther here!

Thank you very much for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay!

And while I have you here: Let me take the opportunity to introduce myself to you.

Who am I?

Long story short: My name is Esther Heide and I am hosting The Multi Blog as a hobby to combine a few of the things I enjoy doing. One of them is exploring, another one is writing, and in combination: Tadaa - Here is The Multi Blog!

I invite you to check in every now and then and read a few lines. It´s all for free and I´ll make sure the content will grow over time as well as the topics I am writing about.

Back to myself: I was born in 1984 and I am living in Germany.

I am a fan of globalization and transparent communication and as English is at least in the top 3 of the languages that are shared among most people, I tend to chose to write mostly in English. (Moreover, as my Chinese, Spanish and Hindi are currently not on a level I would be able to communicate in).

However - English is not my mother tongue and you will most likely find some content in German on this Blog as well as some typos! Sorry about that but I am sure you can deal with it.

Admittingly, I am always interested in a multitude of topics. If I come across something new and interesting - I am fully in! Therefore I can´t point out a specific hobby I adore the most, except for reading.

I am highly interested in learning, and continually acquire new abilities and skills as well as very curious and exploratory. And often I find myself interested in abstract thinking, philosophy, and the meaning of belief systems and ideologies.

Maybe one as the one denominator of all things:

Language -in any variation- fascinates me. I am not just talking about speaking, reading, and writing, or different languages but also mimics and gestures, a friendly smile or silence.

Language enables communication and interaction between us. What could be more interesting?

What is my background?

Currently, I am working as a Senior Program Manager, Sports Partnerships in the IT-world.

Before that I used to be the Program Manager for the Online Community within the same company and I was focussing on

  • providing relevant communication,

  • empowering peer-to-peer support by generating high-quality content and

  • turning everyone into experts through knowledge sharing.

My educational background is as colorful as my interests and I am always trying to learn something new:

  • After finishing school, I did a vocational training and can call myself a drafts(wo)man in building construction. That means I learned to create the drawings of the constructions before they are being built to visualize the new building and to guide the ones actually building in the right direction.

  • After finishing that, I went to the University, and I hold a degree (Magistra Artium) in Scandinavian and German Studies as well as in Education. During my time in university, I was concentrating on medieval studies. Both for the German as well as the Scandinavian parts. Honestly - I think I was living the dream when writing my final thesis about an Arthus-saga!

  • After University I was writing for a local newspaper and got a bit deeper into journalism. It inspired me very much and as a kind of highlight, I have been asked by a local publisher to add a short story to an anthology he was about to release. After that experience, I thought I might give it another shot and submitted a story I wrote to a writing contest. To my delight, this story has been accepted and published.

  • Following my time at the newspaper, I started a sales job. After I settled myself on the job, I discovered distance learning for myself, and as a result, I am a certified Nutrition Counselor, Google Certified Project Manager and finished another course for Corporate Communication. This kind of learning was an eye-opener for me and I am always watching out for a new distance learning course I can put on my watchlist.

  • And right now when writing these lines, I am trying to create a clean, modern, and fitting online-blog and I am getting into web-design.

That´s it for now - I hope I was able to shed some light on myself. If you want to learn more, please continue reading with About The Multi Blog and follow me on LinkedIn.

Enjoy The Multi Blog,

